TM Voima Oy sold construction business to Caverion Industria Oy
The sale of TMV Service Oy, TMV Line Oy, and TMV Power OÜ to Caverion was completed on February 1, 2023. TM Voima Oy and TMV Green OÜ will continue to develop renewable energy projects in Finland and Estonia. The turnover of the acquired business in 2021 was 30.5 million euros.
“The sizes of projects are growing, and increasingly more expertise and resources are required from operators. As part of Caverion, our business has better opportunities to meet this change. Furthermore, Caverion’s appreciation for the expertise of its employees and customer-centric operations align perfectly with the way TM Voima companies operate,”
says Kim Tahkoniemi, CEO of TM Voima companies.
“With this business transaction, TM Voima will focus on developing renewable energy projects in Finland and Estonia in the future.”
“The ongoing energy transition and the increasing demand for renewable solutions require substantial investments into electricity transmission and distributioninfrastructure. Caverion is already well positioned to support the energy sector and the additional expertise and resources will enable us to serve our customers even more broadly. We are looking forward to welcome the skilled professionals to join our team,”
says Elina Engman, Head of Caverion Industry division.
For more information:
Kim Tahkoniemi
+358 45 7731 2540
About Caverion
Caverion is a public limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Finland with its shares listed on the official list of Nasdaq Helsinki. Caverion is a Northern & Central European-based expert for smart and sustainable built environments, enabling performance and people’s well-being. Caverion offers expert guidance during the entire life cycle of buildings, infrastructure or industrial sites and processes: from design & build to projects, technical and industrial maintenance, facility management as well as advisory services. At the end of December 2023, there were about 15,000 professionals serving customers at the service of Caverion Group in 10 countries.
TMV Green on pühendunud heitmevaba taastuvenergia projektide arendamisele ja rajamisele. Usume vastutustundlikesse teguviisidesse ja tugevatesse partnerlussuhetesse kohalike kogukondadega. TMV Green kavandab ja ehitab eelkõige tuuleenergia projekte, kuid huvitub ka päikeseenergia, energia salvestamise ja vesiniku tehnoloogiate arendamisest. Meie projektid on välja töötatud, arvestades kohalikke inimesi ja kogukondi ning austades loodust. Liituge meiega, et toetada rohelist energiat.